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Crane Mate Australia

Noosaville, QLD

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Title 1995 KOBELCO KOBELCO RK160-2 16T
Type Cranes
Sub Type Cranes and Lifting
Class City Class Cranes
Model KOBELCO RK160-2 16T
Year 1995
Sale Price $40,000 GST Exclusive
Listing Type Used
Stock Number 1037982
RefCode TA1241352


Kobelco RK160-2 16T (Ref Q170-B5)

Kobelco RK160-2 16T (Ref Q170-B5) 140000 Klm - Cr/Eng/Hrs ??? 20030 - Boom 25 Mtr + Fly

(Certified 2030) $40,000.00 + Gst

Qld 10 Year Rebuild & Certification completed certified to 27/08/2030.

This crane is in good working order, 2 winches, Qld registration, and will be supplied with all maintenance records & owner???s manuals.

Fresh paint job available at approx. $15K

Please let me know if you need more information on this unit.