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Engineering a career at Coates with Brazilian flair

Engineering a career at Coates with Brazilian flair

There’s a strong sense of teamwork and support within Coates’ Engineering Solutions (ES) department. That’s the notion given by ES specialist, Rafaela Conceição da Silva.

In construction, water management and treatment often occur reactively in response to unexpected issues such as groundwater infiltration or contaminated water run-off. Without a temporary dewatering or water treatment system, construction works could easily grind to a halt.

That’s why Da Silva takes great pride in her job at Coates, a company she considers the best she has ever worked for, particularly within Coates Engineering Solutions’ specialist water team. The role combines engineering expertise and a deep understanding of the company’s technical products and services with strong sales and interpersonal skills.

“The support that I have at Coates is like nothing I’ve ever enjoyed before,” says Da Silva. “My manager is awesome, and his manager helps me if I need it, too.”

“Even though my co-workers and I are all competing for sales, we all help and support each other. It’s just a great culture in the Engineering Solutions team.”

Growing up in Brazil, Da Silva was inspired by her older sister, who is a chemical and safety engineer, to pursue a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering.

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She entered the industry as a trainee for the multinational petroleum company, Petrobras. There, she helped to analyse and monitor fuel quality while helping to develop new products. Da Silva also volunteered for a company that decontaminated water supplies for those in need, and from there her love for water management and treatment blossomed.

In 2020, a six-month trip to Australia to explore the country and improve her English turned into a permanent move Down Under. After a stint managing access equipment at another hire company in New South Wales, she joined Coates in 2023.

“I remember the day that I saw the job advertisement for Coates,” says Da Silva. “I felt so excited because it was all about dewatering and water treatment – it was perfect.”

“I’m very passionate and customer driven. I love sales but before sales comes the customer. The best part of my day is visiting my customers onsite to understand their requirements and provide the best solution.”

As her English skills improved, so did her confidence, and her strong relationships with colleagues and customers are evident. While her colleagues may attribute this to Da Silva’s passion and positivity, she says the problem-solving capabilities of Coates’ temporary works solutions are key to delivering a great customer experience.

“It all makes sense when you think about what we offer – the propping, the shoring, the dewatering,” she says. “We’re offering more than one or two products, it’s an entire solution.”

“I started with dewatering in ES before I was trained in shoring, but you actually need knowledge of both to make it all work effectively for the customer.”

Coates’ ES department includes everything from technical design and installation to certification and project management of temporary works, including structural support, hydraulic shoring and water management.

As an area of construction that is often overlooked or poorly understood, it is one busy team. But Da Silva wouldn’t have it any other way. “We’re always busy in ES which is a good problem to have,” she says. “At Coates, you always have a problem to solve, and someone is always around to help if you’re unsure on how to move forward.”

Da Silva’s skills are currently at work for clients around Sydney’s north and as far west as Richmond, dewatering projects in rail and commercial construction.

With her Australian husband, Michael, and the support of her team cementing her new home in Australia, Da Silva plans to continue learning and growing her knowledge and expertise in the field of temporary works engineering.

“I just want to keep working on amazing projects in dewatering, improving my English, and enjoying the opportunities that I’ve earned in Australia,” Da Silva says.

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